Friday, May 31, 2013

Report Critical of Stockton's Former City Manager, Finance ... - KTXL

Judge Allows Stockton to File for Bankruptcy

File photo


A grand jury report says it was a lack of reliable information and lack of project oversight that led to Stockton having to file for bankruptcy. They make many recommendations to the city, including forming new audit and budget systems, and provide finance training for current department staff and council members.

According to the report released Thursday, the San Joaquin County Grand Jury found ?evidence of inadequate information presented to the City Council by a former city manager; lack of project oversight; unilateral control and manipulation of projects by a former city manager without City Council knowledge or approval; poor accounting of the various transactions involving the Events Center; lack of reliable information between city staff and the City Council; and, a financial system that is inadequate for the accounting needed.?

The group looked at Stockton?s current financial situation, and also what information the city council knew, or didn?t know, the effectiveness of the City Auditor, the finance department and prevalence of financial training for council members and the mayor.

Read the whole report here.

The grand jury report criticizes Stockton?s Finance Department, stating the department?s software and computer hardware was more than 20 years old. ?The inability to manage and extract information makes it difficult to prepare timely financial reports in a format that is easily understood by elected officials and the public.?

They recommend the department prepare a training program for all finance department staff to improve their knowledge and account skills.

The report also chastised the lack of communication between the former city manager and city department heads, and the general council about the financial health of Stockton; specifically alerting the council about which departments of the city were or were not adhering to their budget limits.

In addition, the current grand jury report reconfirms an earlier report in 2006 that the then-city manager failed to provide information about the true cost of the Events Center to council members. This incident, and the increasing costs of building the Events Center, led to a growing mistrust between the city manager position and council members, according to the grand jury.

In conclusion, the grand jury report made it clear the responsibility is on the mayor and city council to know what is going on in their city. ?A Mayor and City Council that prefers to not ask questions or demand complete and accurate information from its management, or to remain uneducated about the intricacies of the city?s financial structure and operations can be more easily swayed by staff recommendations that are not in the public?s best interest.?

Read the whole report here.


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Obama pressures Congress to prevent student loan rate increase?his way

Obama, joined by college students, delivers Rose Garden remarks on student loans May 31 (Pablo Martinez Monsiv??

President Barack Obama on Friday publicly called on Congress to prevent Stafford student loan interest rates from doubling this summer.

The president, who spent time on the 2012 campaign trail speaking out against a rate increase, spoke in the Rose Garden Friday surrounded by college students. He pressed Congress to extend current rates or work toward a compromise to avoid the increase?3.4 percent to 6.8 percent?set to take place July 1.

Lawmakers on both side of the aisle have said reforms are needed, but are divided over the solution.

"Higher education cannot be a luxury for a privileged few," Obama said Friday. He noted, as he has in the past, that it was only nine years ago that he and his wife Michelle finally paid off their student loans, which he said cost more than his mortgage. "And we were lucky," he said, noting they had "more resources than many." And this, he added, was around the time the First Couple planned to start saving for their daughters' college funds.

Obama had warned on the 2012 campaign trail that allowing rates to double would cost the average student borrower $1,000 for each year of college over the life of their loan. Stafford student loans are offered to low- and middle-income students. That added cost could greatly affect families weighing the expense of college, as well as put recent graduates in difficult positions, in the current tough economic climate, experts say.

[Read more Yahoo News coverage of the student loan debate here.]

When interest rates were scheduled to double last summer, Congress, facing public pressure, passed a bill to stop that from happening. Obama signed it into law last year. But ahead of this year's July 1 expiration, Washington finds itself in the same situation.

"If this sounds like d?j? vu all over again, it's because it is," Obama said Friday. He called on Americans to once again pressure Congress to act.

The Republican-led House has already acted. House members passed a student loan plan offered by Republican Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. His proposal ties rates on student loans to the interest on the 10-year Treasury rate. But the White House and many Democrats take issue with that plan because interest rates would change annually.

"The House bill isn?t smart and it isn?t fair," Obama said. He once again took issue with the fact interest rates would change annually under Kline's proposal and added that he believes the Republican plan "eliminates safeguards for lower income families."

Several Democrats have offered their own proposals in Congress, as has the president.

Obama outlined his proposal in his budget this year. Like Kline's plan, it also calls for tying rates on student loans to the interest on a 10-year Treasury note, but it also locks in those rates for the life of the loan.

Some student loan advocates criticize the president's proposal because it doesn't provide a cap on those rates?something included in Kline's plan.

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell chalked Friday's event up to politics.

"With the President and Congressional Republicans in agreement on the need to provide a permanent reform to address the increase in interest rates on new student loans, no one should be fooled by today?s campaign-style event at the White House," the Kentucky Republican said in a statement. "House Republicans have already passed legislation that would prevent a rate hike, and Senate Republicans have proposed a solution similar to one the President himself called for in this year?s budget. Here?s one issue where the two parties can and should find quick agreement.

"Unfortunately, the President appears more interested in needlessly stoking partisan divisions in Washington than helping young Americans avoid a higher interest rate on their student loans," he continued.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a statement Friday noted that Kline's plan mirrors the president's and said the differences between the two "are small." Boehner then took issue with the president's event, which he argued stokes partisanship.

"With time so short and the differences between our proposals so slight, today?s event was misguided and deeply disappointing," he said. "A president who promised young people he would reject petty partisanship, today practiced it himself. If he really wants to shield students from higher rates, he should work with his former colleagues in the Senate to act. That?s what our students deserve."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) following Obama's remarks Friday announced in a statement that the House legislation is a "non-starter" and that the Senate next week will vote on a Democratic-backed plan.

?I hope my Senate Republican colleagues will put politics aside and join us in providing middle-class families with the security of knowing they won't be forced to pay thousands more for student loans on July first. This is exactly the kind of common-sense proposal we need to keep our economy growing," Reid said.


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yes, it's true - Psy, YouTube and Iron Man actually unite countries, survey finds

By Brent Lang

LOS ANGELES ( - From "Iron Man 3" to "Gangnam Style," films, YouTube clips, music and television shows are breaking through cultural and language barriers in unprecedented fashion. Fueled by the growth of social media platforms, entertainment is becoming the great ambassador between far-flung countries.

That's the conclusion of Edelman's annual survey of consumer attitudes towards entertainment.

The market research firm polled consumers in 10 countries and found that 67 percent of respondents believe sharing and watching media has given them a stronger link with other countries than they ever had before.

"In markets like Brazil and China and India, people are looking for more ways to interact with the rest of the world and they're using entertainment to create a global link," Gail Becker, chair, U.S. Western Region, Canada and Latin America for Edelman, told TheWrap.

The study has been conducted for seven years, growing more globalized in its approach along with the industry. This year, Edelman expanded its research beyond the U.S. and the U.K. to include countries like Brazil, China and Korea that have become increasingly important to Hollywood's bottom line. It's an approach, Becker said, that Edelman will continue to employ.

"I would like to think that the list of countries will be malleable as the world shifts," Becker said. "I can't imagine going back and just looking at the U.S. and the U.K. again. Global connectedness has really changed and transformed the way the world looks."

In total, 6,500 people in eight countries responded to the study, giving its findings a margin of error of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points.

Edelman's report comes in the height of the summer movie season - a time of year when the power of the global box office is on full display.

Increasingly, films like "Iron Man 3" and "Fast & Furious 6" are setting their stories in foreign countries and featuring casts that are drawn from a global talent pool. It's an acknowledgement of a shift that has seen 70 percent of box office receipts come from abroad.

Just last year, for instance, China became the second largest market for films, and analysts now project that it will surpass the U.S. as the preeminent market by 2020.

At the same time, the viral nature of South Korean musician Psy's single "Gangnam Style," which became the first YouTube video to reach 1 billion views, shows that these cultural divides do not have to be surmounted solely because of charisma or financial heft of a major movie star or studio.

Indeed, moviegoers and TV watchers are becoming acclimated to this content migration. The Edelman survey found that respondents were more open to watching online videos from far-flung places than they were a year ago, with 63 percent saying that they would consider viewing foreign content.

However, U.S. and the U.K. denizens lag behind their foreign cohorts when it comes to a willingness to watch things in translation. Sixty percent of respondents in the emerging markets had watched or listened to entertainment in a language they do not speak compared to 41 percent in the U.S., U.K. and Germany.

The devices people are using to consume entertainment are shifting along with the cosmopolitan nature of the business. Television remains the most popular means of accessing content in most countries, but laptops and mobile devices are picking up steam. Respondents in the U.S., U.K., India, Brazil and Germany were most likely to watch programming on televisions, while laptops were the second most popular device.

Yet in China and Korea mobile phones were the most widely turned to entertainment device. It may not be a matter of choosing between the tablet and the tube much longer. Ninety-six percent of respondents said they had used mobile devices or computers while watching television or other devices and 51 percent of people said they had two devices running simultaneously "most of the time."

Although old and new media are often seen as being in opposition to one another, movies and television are major conversation starters on social media. On sites like Facebook and Twitter, what someone watched or read is as likely to be a topic of conversation as what they ate or how they slept.

Globally, 76 of people who use social media said they shared their reaction to various sources of entertainment, while roughly the same number (75 percent) wrote about their personal lives.

The good news for producers hoping to stifle bad buzz about a movie or program is that people are five times more likely to share a positive entertainment experience than a negative one when it comes about advising friends and family on what to watch.

That should be greeted with a sense of relief in some corners: A critical dud, after all, can easily become a flop in any language.


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Sources: Obama to name ex-Bush aide to head FBI

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama is prepared to nominate James Comey, a former Bush administration official with bipartisan credentials, as the next FBI director. In a possible warning sign, the top Republican on the Senate committee that would review the nomination said Comey would face questions about his ties to Wall Street.

Three people with knowledge of the selection said Wednesday that Obama planned to nominate Comey, who was the No. 2 at the Justice Department under President George W. Bush. Comey was general counsel to Connecticut-based hedge fund Bridgewater Associates from 2010 until earlier this year and now lectures at Columbia Law School.

Comey would replace Robert Mueller, who has held the job since shortly before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, which forced the FBI to transform itself into one of the nation's chief weapons in the war on terror. Mueller's last day on the job is Sept. 4.

The White House may hope that Comey's Republican background will help him through Senate confirmation at a time when some of Obama's nominations have been facing tough battles. But Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, indicated Comey's confirmation hearing would raise questions about the Obama administration's investigations of Wall Street.

Grassley said in a statement late Wednesday he had not heard from the White House about Comey's nomination but said Comey possessed a lot of important experience on national security issues.

"But, if he's nominated, he would have to answer questions about his recent work in the hedge fund industry," Grassley said. "The administration's efforts to criminally prosecute Wall Street for its part in the economic downturn have been abysmal, and his agency would have to help build the case against some of his colleagues."

The change in leadership comes as the FBI and Justice Department are under scrutiny for their handing of several investigations. Obama has ordered a review of FBI investigations into leaks to reporters, including the secret gathering of Associated Press phone records and emails of a Fox News reporter. And there have been questions raised about whether the FBI properly responded to warnings from Russian authorities about a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. The agency, meanwhile, is conducting a highly anticipated investigation into the Internal Revenue Service over its handling of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Comey was deputy attorney general in 2005 when he unsuccessfully tried to limit tough interrogation tactics against suspected terrorists. He told then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that some of the practices were wrong and would damage the department's reputation.

Some Democrats denounced those methods as torture, particularly the use of waterboarding, which produces the sensation of drowning.

Comey's selection was first reported by NPR and was not expected to be announced for several days at least. It was confirmed to the AP by three people speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the selection ahead of Obama's announcement. Senate confirmation will be needed.

Comey became a hero to Democratic opponents of Bush's warrantless wiretapping program when Comey refused for a time to reauthorize it. Bush revised the surveillance program when confronted with the threat of resignation by Comey and Mueller.

Earlier in his career, Comey served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, one of the nation's most prominent prosecutorial offices and one at the front lines of terrorism, corporate malfeasance, organized crime and the war on drugs.

As an assistant U.S. attorney in Virginia, Comey handled the investigation of the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers housing complex near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 U.S. military personnel.

He led the Justice Department's corporate fraud task force and spurred the creation of violent crime impact teams in 20 cities, focusing on crimes committed with guns.

Comey was at the center of one of the Bush administration's great controversies ? an episode that focused attention on the administration's controversial tactics in the war on terror.

In stunning testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2007, Comey said he thought Bush's no-warrant wiretapping program was so questionable that Comey refused for a time to reauthorize it, leading to a standoff with White House officials at the bedside of ailing Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Comey said he refused to recertify the program because Ashcroft had reservations about its legality.

Senior government officials had expressed concerns about whether the National Security Agency, which administered the warrantless eavesdropping program, had the proper oversight in place. Other concerns included whether any president possessed the legal and constitutional authority to authorize the program as it was carried out at the time.

The White House, Comey said, recertified the program without the Justice Department's signoff, allowing it to operate for about three weeks without concurrence on whether it was legal. Comey, Ashcroft, Mueller and other Justice Department officials at one point considered resigning, Comey said.

"I couldn't stay if the administration was going to engage in conduct that the Department of Justice had said had no legal basis," Comey told the Senate panel.

A day after the March 10, 2004, incident at Ashcroft's hospital bedside, Bush ordered changes to the program to accommodate the department's concerns. Ashcroft signed the presidential order to recertify the program about three weeks later.

The dramatic hospital confrontation involved Comey, who was the acting attorney general during Ashcroft's absence, and a White House team that included Gonzales, Bush's counsel at the time, and White House chief of staff Andy Card, Comey said. Gonzales later succeeded Ashcroft as attorney general.

Comey testified that when he refused to certify the program, Gonzales and Card headed to Ashcroft's sick bed in the intensive care unit at George Washington University Hospital.

When Gonzales appealed to Ashcroft, the ailing attorney general lifted his head off the pillow and in straightforward terms described his views of the program, Comey said. Then he pointed out that Comey, not Ashcroft, held the powers of the attorney general at that moment.

Gonzales and Card then left the hospital room, Comey said.

"I was angry," Comey told the panel. "I thought I had just witnessed an effort to take advantage of a very sick man who did not have the powers of the attorney general."


Associated Press writer Pete Yost contributed to this report.


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Analog Camera for iPhone: When Is Simple Actually Too Simple?

Analog Camera for iPhone: When Is Simple Actually Too Simple?

A little over a year ago, Realmac Software released Clear, an iOS to-do list app that made the task of keeping track of tasks easy with a beautifully simple design. Starting right now, you can check out the developer's crack at replicating that success-by-simplicity formula with a $1 camera app.

For the most part, Analog Camera for iOS delivers what you'd expect: an unbelievably fast and straightforward app for snapping photos, adding gauzy filters, and uploading the shots to the Internet. You can see the filters and sharing in the screenshots above. There's nothing surprising about this functionality at all.

Whether or not you think the app is a success more or less hinges on how impressed you are with the following gesture. With a simple vertical flick you can switch between the camera UI and the gallery view. It's a descendant of the slick gesture-based UI from Clear.

Analog Camera for iPhone: When Is Simple Actually Too Simple?

That's pretty fast. From there the app works hard at keeping things simple. You can tap to pick a focus and point with one finger. A two-finger tap reveals separate boxes for focus and exposure metering. So that the camera can focus in one place and measure exposure in another.

Analog Camera for iPhone: When Is Simple Actually Too Simple?

That's another wonderful gesture. Unfortunately, it's not a new one. The very popular Camera+ already has this functionality.

From here, Analog Camera's evolution is really a reduction. Fewer options for changing the appearance of your photos. Note all the differences between Camera+ (left) and Analog Camera:

Analog Camera for iPhone: When Is Simple Actually Too Simple?

You can't even take a photo with the front-facing camera with Analog Camera! Which says nothing of missing useful features like exposure compensation, which allows you to make you photo a little brighter or darker.

Realmac software argues that the simplicity allows you to get to the actual task of taking photos faster without the "clutter" found in other applications. Whether or not you'll like the app, then, sort of depends on whether you think other applications are cluttered.

If you're interested in checking out Analog Camera do it now; it's available at an "introductory" price of a buck. [iTunes]


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Michael Kinsley Claims Anti-Gay Bigots Aren't Monsters. I Say Bullshit!

Kinsley makes excuses for the anti-gay forces who don?t support gay marriage, and defends the conservative Republican Dr. Ben Carson. Carson was supposed to speak at Johns Hopkins University?s graduation ceremony, and stepped down after his controversial anti-gay remarks created a firestorm.

Being the cheeky chap that I am, I sent Michael Kinsley an email to register my outrage.

Tom wrote:

Last week, peripatetic contrarian-liberal editor-pundit Michael Kinsley used his newish column in his old magazine, the New Republic, to complain about the closed-mindedness and intolerance that supporters of gay marriage have displaying toward their opponents.
Michael Kinsley is not against gay marriage, personally. He invented gay marriage, as he tells it, with the help of Andrew Sullivan.
The occasion for Kinsley's distress was the news that Dr. Ben Carson, the head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, would not be delivering the commencement address at the Hopkins School of Medicine.
Oh, but, look: It's next Tuesday now. What has happened since Kinsley made his case on behalf of the people who aren't yet ready to accept gay people as equal? Over the weekend, Mark Carson, a gay man, was fatally shot in the face in New York City, apparently murdered by someone who was offended by seeing him walking out in public with a man. Two more gay-bashing attacks reportedly happened in New York last night. Overseas, Georgian Orthodox priests led a rock-throwing mob against a gay-rights march. And the most pressing gay-rights issue is whether people are being too easily offended by homophobia? Hey, Michael Kinsley: Shut the fuck up.

This is my email to Michael Kinsley in full:

May 28, 2013

Dear Mr. Kinsley:

I hope this email finds you well. I have long admired your work, both in print and on Crossfire.

I read your recent column entitled ?Being against marriage equality doesn?t make you a monster.? I ?agree that opposition to marriage equality in itself, doesn?t mean that someone is a monster. I do think that an individual who opposes same-sex marriage is biased, and without any rational reason to oppose gay marriage, they must ?be characterized as the homophobic bigot that they are.

By all accounts, Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon. By all accounts, Dr. Ben Carson equates homosexuality with bestiality and being a pedophile (NAMBLA), and I would call him a monster.

Dr. Carson?s apology and alleged support of civil unions doesn?t negate how he characterized the LGBT community. He apologized for his choice of words, but NOT for his position. Supporting civil unions doesn?t get him off the hook either. ?As Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in March, it?s ?skim milk marriage,? and it?s an argument that promotes a ??separate but equal? point of view --- and anything short of full equality is completely unacceptable.

Your assertion that the Johns Hopkins University dean failed to defend the ?core value? that is ?tolerance is preposterous. Most Americans are very tolerant of divergent views, whether it?s religion or politics, or our favorite sports teams, or different cultures. We are taught to respect others, and are encouraged to be tolerant, both at home and school.

To suggest that Johns Hopkins University should be tolerant toward Dr. Ben Carson?s views of homosexuality, when he made his remarks on national television, ?as a Johns Hopkins ?medical doctor, denigrates his profession and the university. Carson didn?t support his point of view with medical facts or scientific evidence, he used lies and scare tactics that are usually the preserve of the monsters that comprise the organized opposition to gay marriage.

You suggest that because Dr. Carson ?fixes children?s brains? that he should be given a break. Then you write ?All he did was say on television that he opposes same-sex marriage.? Yes he said he opposes same-sex marriage, and he equated the gay community with bestaility and ?child molesters. Do you have any idea what effect that kind of rhetoric has on children? Do you know what harm that causes to LGBT kids around the country? Can you imagine what a parent might think when they hear a distinguished surgeon make those assertions?

In our free speech society, there?s anti-gay rhetoric everywhere. The intolerance reflected in the anti-gay ?hate speech that?s infected our churches, our news, and political rhetoric, adversely affects our society, and especially our children.

We hear about a rash of adolescent suicides, and a bullying epidemic in our culture. There are social scientists and medical professionals who have researched these problems, and there is a correlation between anti-gay hate speech and the mental health of adolescent LGBT kids.

With an inordinate amount of adolescent children who harm themselves, and in some cases, take their own lives, your suggestion that we should tolerate remarks like Dr. Carson?s is outrageous. ?How can you tell us to tolerate the incendiary propaganda and lies, when they have such a grave effect on so many people?

You can think that Dr. Ben Carson?s remarks were silly, while I find them reprehensible. When the next gay kid commits suicide, talk to their parents and explain that Dr. Carson?s rhetoric was silly. When a parent finds out that their child is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender teen, and they throw their kid out of the house, I?d like to hear you tell the homeless kid that what Dr. Carson said was harmless.

If I didn?t know any better Mr. Kinsley, I might mistake you for being a monster.


Roy Steele

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NBA Playoff Schedule 2013: Complete Viewing Guide for Game 5 of Pacers-Heat

The San Antonio Spurs have advanced to the 2013 NBA Finals, defeating the Memphis Grizzlies in four games to reach the next stage of their title pursuit. In the Eastern Conference, however, the series between the Miami Heat and Indiana Pacers rages on.

The question is, when and where can you watch Game 5 of their heated Eastern Conference Finals clash?

The Heat and Pacers split the first two games of this series, with Indiana in position to win both times in Miami. Not only did they lose on a buzzer-beater in overtime during Game 1, but the Pacers also won 97-93 in Game 2.

In Game 3, however, the Pacers failed to show up.

Miami committed just five turnovers and made 54.5 percent of their field goals en route to a 114-96 road win. Dwyane Wade led the charge with 18 points and eight assists, while Udonis Haslem tallied 17 points and seven rebounds on 8-of-9 shooting.

Roy Hibbert went for 20 points and 17 rebounds, while David West added 21 and 10 boards, but the Pacers' bench simply couldn't keep the pace.

In Game 5, both teams will look to gain one final edge in this series. With the Spurs looming and granted the opportunity to rest and study their opposition, neither team will want this series to go on too much longer.

So who can take the next step toward greatness?



Indiana Pacers at Miami Heat, Game 5

Time: Thursday, May 30 at 8:30 p.m. ET


Series Record: Miami Heat 2, Indiana Pacers 1


The Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat enter this game with the luxury and overwhelming burden of knowing who their opponent would be in the NBA Finals. With this in mind, neither team will be too inclined to grant the aging Spurs too much time to rest.

    Who will win Game 5?

  • Indiana Pacers

  • Miami Heat

The question is, who will rise to the occasion?

The Heat haven't lost two home games in one postseason series since the 2011 NBA Finals, when they lost the series to the Dallas Mavericks. With this in mind, ?it's quite clear that the Pacers will have an uphill battle to close this series out.

Just don't call it impossible.

Indiana has won a postseason game in Miami for the second consecutive year, which displays their fearless nature. With that being said, the Heat remain the favored squad entering this game and have talent that is superior to the Pacers'.

When it comes to a rivalry game, however, one thing is clear: Anything can happen.


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5 Tips for Buying Your Ideal Bike | Run The

Increasingly, people are looking at bikes as forms of transportation. Whether they will be used for commuting or used for recreational activities, bikes can be great tools. In recent years road bikes have become very popular and with many people looking for road bikes for sale. However, there are a number different bikes to choose from, and choosing the right bike is essential for maximizing your abilities and enjoyment. Here are five guidelines for choosing the right bike for you.

What Will it do?

Those who will be using their bikes to commute will want to focus on lightweight road bikes. These bikes provide the utmost in efficient travel, and they are designed for traveling through cities. Those more interested in biking on rugged terrain want to look at more durable mountain bikes. Those who mostly want to bike in a recreational manner may wish to consider cruisers, which combine comfort with durability.

New or Use?

New bikes offer the latest in engineering and design, and a new bike that is maintained well can last indefinitely. However, used bikes also have a number of advantages. They are cheap to buy, and many classic designs hold up well today. There is a large market for those who are looking for used bikes, and purchasing used will generally allow buyers to get more for their money.

What is Your Budget?

Walking into a bike shop without deciding your budget can be dangerous. Too often, bikers spend far more than is wise because they did not set aside a particular amount of money before making their decision. Determine your budget beforehand, and research different options before making a purchase.

Safety Equipment?

Different forms of biking require different sets of safety equipment. Those who will be commuting will generally want to stick with just a helmet. Those interested in mountain biking or other forms of sports biking, on the other hand, may need elbow and knee protection. In addition, wearing appropriate clothing is important for biking. Ensure that you take these factors into account before setting your budget.

Value Over Time

Those who are spending large sums of money on their bikes will want to ensure that their purchases are designed to hold their value over time. While few bikes are serve well as investments, some bikes hold their value better than other bikes. In particular, bikes with famous brand names tend to sell for higher prices. For those buying budget bicycles, this consideration may be minor; those spending thousands of dollars on bicycles, however, may wish to factor in resale value when making purchases.

The popularity of biking has risen dramatically over the years, and this trend is expected to continue as gas prices continue to increase. However, having a top-notch bike is essential for biking efficiently and enjoying your new purchase. Take your time when making a purchase, and ensure that you purchase the right bike for you.

Robert Jhonson is an active mountain biker who loves traveling and the out doors.


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Climate researchers discover new rhythm for El Ni?o

May 27, 2013 ? El Ni?o wreaks havoc across the globe, shifting weather patterns that spawn droughts in some regions and floods in others. The impacts of this tropical Pacific climate phenomenon are well known and documented.

A mystery, however, has remained despite decades of research: Why does El Ni?o always peak around Christmas and end quickly by February to April?

Now there is an answer: An unusual wind pattern that straddles the equatorial Pacific during strong El Ni?o events and swings back and forth with a period of 15 months explains El Ni?o's close ties to the annual cycle. This finding is reported in the May 26, 2013, online issue of Nature Geoscience by scientists from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Meteorology Department and International Pacific Research Center.

"This atmospheric pattern peaks in February and triggers some of the well-known El Ni?o impacts, such as droughts in the Philippines and across Micronesia and heavy rainfall over French Polynesia," says lead author Malte Stuecker.

When anomalous trade winds shift south they can terminate an El Ni?o by generating eastward propagating equatorial Kelvin waves that eventually resume upwelling of cold water in the eastern equatorial Pacific. This wind shift is part of the larger, unusual atmospheric pattern accompanying El Ni?o events, in which a high-pressure system hovers over the Philippines and the major rain band of the South Pacific rapidly shifts equatorward.

With the help of numerical atmospheric models, the scientists discovered that this unusual pattern originates from an interaction between El Ni?o and the seasonal evolution of temperatures in the western tropical Pacific warm pool.

"Not all El Ni?o events are accompanied by this unusual wind pattern" notes Malte Stuecker, "but once El Ni?o conditions reach a certain threshold amplitude during the right time of the year, it is like a jack-in-the-box whose lid pops open."

A study of the evolution of the anomalous wind pattern in the model reveals a rhythm of about 15 months accompanying strong El Ni?o events, which is considerably faster than the three- to five-year timetable for El Ni?o events, but slower than the annual cycle.

"This type of variability is known in physics as a combination tone," says Fei-Fei Jin, professor of Meteorology and co-author of the study. Combination tones have been known for more than three centuries. They where discovered by violin builder Tartini, who realized that our ear can create a third tone, even though only two tones are played on a violin.

"The unusual wind pattern straddling the equator during an El Ni?o is such a combination tone between El Ni?o events and the seasonal march of the sun across the equator" says co-author Axel Timmermann, climate scientist at the International Pacific Research Center and professor at the Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai'i. He adds, "It turns out that many climate models have difficulties creating the correct combination tone, which is likely to impact their ability to simulate and predict El Ni?o events and their global impacts."

The scientists are convinced that a better representation of the 15-month tropical Pacific wind pattern in climate models will improve El Ni?o forecasts. Moreover, they say the latest climate model projections suggest that El Ni?o events will be accompanied more often by this combination tone wind pattern, which will also change the characteristics of future El Ni?o rainfall patterns.


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Arizona Diamondbacks Sweep Doubleheader vs. Texas Rangers

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

McCain Meets With Rebels in Syria (ABC News)

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Military exemptions threaten Israeli coalition

JERUSALEM (AP) ? The leader of Israel's second largest party says Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling coalition could collapse if it fails to reform the military draft and end a system of exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid spoke Monday after a committee meeting tasked with changing the rules ended without results.

Military service is compulsory in Israel, but thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews get exemptions each year to pursue religious studies. The ultra-Orthodox insist military service would compromise their strict religious lifestyle, while Israelis who serve in the military say the system is unfair.

Lapid's party surged in January's parliamentary election by vowing to make the ultra-Orthodox "share the burden" of military service.

Lapid warned Monday, "There will be an equal sharing of the burden, or this government will fall apart."


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Monday, May 27, 2013

Mike Alexandrov pockets Men's 200m breaststroke gold ... - Bettor

Mike Alexandrov pockets Men?s 200m breaststroke gold ? Swimming News?

Mike Alexandrov of UN-30-CA/TROJ pocketed gold medal of Men?s 200m breaststroke on day one of the 2013 Speedo Grand Challenge at Woollett Aquatic Centre on Sunday, May 26.

Alexandrov lived up to expectations of his supporters in the 200m discipline, as he rushed his way towards the finishing end for the title. He remained prominently ahead of his challengers from the start and touched the wall comprehensively for the gold medal.

With his impeccable pace, Alexandrov remained three body lengths ahead of his closest competitor and surfaced on the finishing end with an effort of 2 minutes and 14.50 seconds.

The second best finisher was traced by Glenn Snyders of Trojan-CA, who was 2.83 seconds slower and reached the medal rostrum for silver medal by producing an effort of 2 minutes and 17.37 seconds.

The second best finisher was followed by James Guest of Pointe-Claire Swim Club, who stayed 1.12 seconds behind and completed the podium by winning bronze medal with the timing of 2 minutes and 18.49 seconds.

Guest was traced by Azad Al-Barazi of Trojan-CA, who was 0.19 seconds away from improving his position and settled on the finishing end as fourth position holder with the timing of 2 minutes and 18.68 seconds.

Fifth fastest spot of the event was obtained by Hunter Cobleigh of CLSS-CA, who was prominently slower and ended his race in fifth place with an effort of 2 minutes and 20.00 seconds.

Sixth fastest spot of the event was obtained by Antoine Bujold of Pointe-Claire Swim Club, who was 0.85 seconds behind and posted a time of 2 minutes and 20.85 seconds.

Seventh position of the race was secured by Nicholas Korth of UN-01-SI, who was 1.58 seconds slower and concluded his race in a time of 2 minutes and 22.43 seconds.

Eighth position of the race was obtained by Cole L Hurwitz of TDPS-OR, who stayed 0.70 seconds apart and ended his swim in a time of 2 minutes and 23.13 seconds.

In addition, Alexandrov was extremely happy with his notable efforts and received medals and accolades at the prize ceremony after the session.



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Steve Jobs And Bill Gates Quotes - Business Insider

Earlier this month, Bill Gates got emotional talking about Steve Jobs.

"He and I, in a sense, grew up together," Gates said. "We were within a year of the same age, and we were kind of naively optimistic and built big companies. And every fantasy we had about creating products and learning new things ? we achieved all of it. And most of it as rivals. But we always retained a certain respect and communication, including even when he was sick."

There's no relationship in history like that of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

As partners and rivals, they built the personal computing industry with two totally different styles.

Jobs was a working-class kid from California who believed in tight control over all products, and put a premium on design.

Bill Gates was an upper class kid from Washington who believed in open products, and didn't worry too much about great design.

"Each one thought he was smarter than the other one, but Steve generally treated Bill as someone who was slightly inferior, especially in matters of taste and style," said early Macintosh employee Andy Hertzfield in Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs bio. He added, "Bill looked down on Steve because he couldn?t actually program."

Gates quote inspired us to take a look back at some of the best quotes from Gates and Jobs about each other in Isaacson's book to get a deeper sense of what the men really thought of each other.


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Funny Divorce: What Happens To Stick Figure Family Decals After A Split (PHOTO)

Ah, there's nothing like using a car sticker to let the whole neighborhood know you're single again.

Just take a look at the decal Redditor Grant291's neighbor displayed on her car recently. We think it gets the point across just fine.

The disembodied hands? We don't even know.

Tell us what you think of this post-split stick figure family below, then click through the slideshow below for more bad bumper stickers from around the web.

  • ...And I Vote!

    But for WHO?


    Is this a warning or a celebration?

  • Bitter?

    There's such a thing as too much honesty.

  • Cats Not Kids

    While we are also partial to cats, we do NOT want to meet the owner of this car.

  • Who Would Jesus Bomb?

    Probably all of us.

  • Wrestling Mania Smelly Tuna?

    Pick a side, friend.

  • If I Had Known This???

    Seriously, WTF?

  • Mark Harmon?

    What about Mark Harmon??? We will never know!

  • Get a Horse

    It's both pessimistic and a corny pun. Barf.

  • Sitting Hillbilly

    While flipping the script on the hot lady bumper sticker is appreciated, still... gross.

  • Hug A Logger

    Ohhhh, we get what you did there.

  • As good as it gets?

    That's just depressing.

  • Cheesecake!

    On second thought, maybe this is the most awesome bumper sticker.

  • Also On Huffington Post

Keep in touch! Check out HuffPost Divorce on Facebook and Twitter.

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });


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Big Brother Africa Season 8: The Chase is ON! Meet the 28 ...

Big Brother Season 8, tagged ?The Chase? is on!? The official opening ceremony started with the performance of? the jam of all jams Khona performed by Mafikizolo. Nigerian online personality and the host of the show, IK Osakioduwa came in on a power bike. He was fully kitted in leather and the crowd cheered thunderously. Comedians, Tumie Morake from South Africa and ChurchHill from Kenya were invited on stage to go into both houses to give us a sneak peek! We got a chance to see the houses before the housemates got in.?Tumie helped herself to the shower and got to popping champagne while in the tub. Tumie went into the Diamond house and Churchill gave us the first insight into the Ruby house. The first Big Brother Africa was in 2003 and 10 years later, Big Brother Africa still has the power to hold Africa spellbound.

As soon as the housemates were settled in the house, IK reminded them to start getting to know one another immediately because the first set of evictions is next Sunday. We can?t wait for the game to begin.

BellaNaija promises to give you all the interesting scoop on the housemates and their time in the house as the show goes on.

Pokello ? Zimbabwe

Pokello - Zimbabwe

Pokello ? Zimbabwe

Harare-born Pokello has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media and Communications and owns a luxury shoe boutique. She enjoys pasta, spaghetti bolognaise and prawn cocktail.

She describes herself as ?dynamic, captivating, intelligent, beautiful & hilarious? and says that the best thing about her is that she?s head-strong and a woman of real substance. ?When I speak, I speak with depth and confidence,? she says. She admires people who are selfless and filled with humility and modesty, disliking disloyalty and betrayal.

Asked what viewers can expect from her, she says: ?I am beautiful, intelligent, controlling and entertaining. I am funny and witty and I say the most humorous things.

Pokello says if she wins the USD 300 000, she?ll buy a big house for her son and herself, send him to a full-time soccer academy in London and invest in her business.

LK4 ? Uganda

LK4 - Uganda

LK4 ? Uganda

Towering over the rest of the housemates at 6 feet 5 inches, professional basketball player LK4, is from Kampala. Outside of his achievements on the basketball court, LK4 also has a CPA and a Degree in Marketing.

LK4 was inspired to enter Big Brother by his teammates and friends and says he is excited to have Africa watching him. He says that viewers can expect him to make all the ladies fall in love with him, make viewers laugh. If he wins the grand prize, he?ll start building his basketball academy.

He describes himself as ?compassionate, sexy, conscious, comical and athletic? and his favourite personal quality is his confidence, saying that he?s ?the direct reflection of God?s creation?. He likes people who are loyal, humble, confident, honest and intelligent, but dislikes ?disloyal, jealous, envious individuals?. His proudest achievements so far are winning the national championship with his team in 2010 and representing his country in Olympic Qualifiers.

Selly ? Ghana (In a relationship)

Selly - Ghana

Selly ? Ghana

Selly is an actress from Tema in Accra. She entered Big Brother because of ?the mouth-watering prize package? that she says would change her life, and also because she wants more drama in her life to ?spice it up more?.She enjoys watching Fashion Police, SpongeBob Squarepants and Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Selly says her boyfriend has influenced her life because he is extremely optimistic about life and has taught her to believe in herself.Describing herself as ?spontaneous, kind, sensitive, no-nonsense and adventurous?, Selly dislikes back-biting, fake people and sycophants. She says viewers can expect dancing, cooking and entertainment from her. If she wins the grand prize, she?ll further her education, buy her mom a car, throw a huge party, start her dream business, renovate her mother?s house and buy herself a car.

Bassey ? SierraLeone

Bassey - Sierra Leone

Bassey ? Sierra Leone

Student, actor and model Bassey is from Freetown, and is single. His favourite foods include rice, cassava leaves and pasta with tomato sauce. His favourite musicians are Rihanna, Beyonce, LMFAO and Justin Bieber.

Bassey?s role model is Michael Jackson, ?because of the way he handled his career?. His two proudest achievements are graduating from University ? and becoming the first of his siblings to do so ? and also being nominated in the Youth Excellence Awards.

He entered Big Brother for the fame and money, believing that ?Biggie changes lives?. He says it?ll be ?weird? having so many people watching his every move on TV. If he wins, he?ll buy a house for his family, his dream car, invest in business and produce a movie.

Dellish ? Namibia

Dellish ? Namibia

Windhoek-born Dellish is a third year Psychology student with a passion for seafood. She describes herself as ?caring, fun, troublesome, loving and adventurous?. Dellish says her best quality is the fact that she?s ?very real and straightforward?. She values caring and considerate people and dislikes those who are selfish and lazy.

She entered Big Brother because she?s been a fan of the show for some time and promised herself that she would enter as soon as she was old enough. Dillish says it?s a bit scary to know that Africa will be watching her 24/7, but says she?s excited to share her private life and lifestyle with the continent.

Dellish says the best thing about Africa is the diverse cultures and ?our unity?. Her favourite place in Namibia is Swakopmund and says even though she hasn?t travelled much, a trip to Nigeria last year was ?the best ever?. Her grandfather is her role model. ?He raised my mom and five of his grandchildren ? including myself. He is my hero,? she says.

Angelo ? South Africa (Said he can never be faithful to one woman)

Angelo - South Africa

Angelo ? South Africa

Dance teacher Angelo Collins entered Big Brother because he realised that life is too short and ?one shouldn?t limit the things you want to do?. If he wins the grand prize, he will start a small business, help an orphanage and help his mom and family with a better life.

Angelo describes himself as ?tall, dark, adventurous and handsome? and attributes his confidence to being relaxed and comfortable in his own skin. He dislikes arrogant, self-centred and rude people, preferring people who are confident and know what they want in life. Viewers can expect ?a lot of craziness? from him, believing he has a funny personality and will make people laugh.

The best thing about Africa? The people, sunsets, mountains and how different, yet how similar cultural values are. Outside of his home country, he says he loves Mozambique, where he visited some amazing islands.

Fatima ? Malawi

Fatima - Malawi

Fatima ? Malawi

TV presenter and MC Fatima is from Lilongwe. She enjoys seafood and her favourite book is Dan Brown?s The Da Vinci Code and her favourite TV shows are Game of Thrones and Sex in the City.

Fatima lists her father as her role model because he is her source of inspiration and the most honest, straightforward person she knows. The achievement she?s most proud of is giving birth to her daughter. ?There is absolutely no feeling in the world that can top bringing another human into the world,? she says.

She describes herself as ?unique, daring, nurturing, fun and loud? and says she makes friends very easily. Fatima is looking forward to the exposure offered by Big Brother and believes that appearing on the show will be an important stepping stone in her TV presenting career.

Nando ? Tanzania

Nando - Tanzania

Nando ? Tanzania

Student Nando says he has never watched Big Brother before and says it feels ?normal? that the continent will be watching him 24/7. His friends encouraged him to enter and he says that if he wins the grand prize, he?ll ?build an empire?.

Aside from the cash, Nando says he wouldn?t mind picking up a few endorsements on the back of his appearance on the show.

Describing himself as ?young, ambitious, fun and loving?, Nando says he?s never thought about his best quality, but likes people with good personalities. His favourite place in Tanzania is Arusha, and globally, Brazil, because he loves football. He eats everything, likes good music and his favourite TV show is 1000 Ways To Die. His favourite actors are Scarlett Johansson and Martin Lawrence.

Huddah ? Kenya

Huddah - Kenya

Huddah ? Kenya

Huddah is a model with a Diploma in Programming. She loves Chinese food, ugali and fish.

Huddah?s favourite place in Kenya is Mombasa, and she says the best thing about Africa is the diversified cultures and natural resources. Her favourite place outside Kenya is Miami, because it?s a beautiful place and she loves tropical weather.

Her role model is Marilyn Monroe, because ?she was intelligent, a go-getter, a sexy woman with a charming smile and also very popular?. Huddah entered Big Brother because she believes it?s a once in a lifetime experience and she felt she really needed to be part of it. ?Plus it has brought a lot of opportunities in life for a lot of people,? she says.

She says having Africa?s eyes on her 24/7 will make her feel like a star, because she loves the attention. She says that if she wins the USD 300 000, she?ll double the money, expand her brand and build a business empire.

Bimp ? Ethiopia

Bimp - Ethopia

Bimp ? Ethopia

Bimp is from Addis Ababa sees himself as ?honest, loyal, dependable and responsible? and says his family are excited to see him on TV. If he wins the big prize, he?d like to open a club or bar in Addis Ababa and triple the money! He?d love to travel and start a TV series about his adventures. Bimp is looking forward to gaining and sharing experiences on Big Brother.

He says the best thing about Africa is the people, who he describes as ?friendly, fun, welcoming and loving?.

He hopes that Africa learns something from watching him 24/7. He wants to represent his country and continent well and do them proud.
Motamma ? Botswana (Miss World tourism)

Mohamma - Botswana

Motamma ? Botswana

Scientific researcher and student Motamma has a BSc in Agriculture and is currently studying further. She says it feels ?great? that Africa?s eyes will be on her 24/7. She hasn?t watched previous Seasons of Big Brother, but her friends and colleagues have always kept her up to date.

Her favourite foods include pasta dishes and sorghum cooked in milk. Her favourite books are Secret of Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin and Letters to My Children by Jonathan Jansen.

Motamma says her favourite place in Botswana is Maun. The best thing about Africa? The fact that it?s rich in resources! Her favourite place outside Botswana is Mauritius, because it appears peaceful and suitable for a romantic getaway.

Neyll- Angola

Neyll - Angola

Neyll ? Angola

Neyll describes himself as ?fun, entertaining, unforgettable, intense and unique?. He has a daughter and is single. His favourite actor is Tom Cruise, because he identifies with him. No surprise then, that one of his favourite movies is Mission Impossible!

His favourite place in Angola is Mussulo Island because it?s a nice place to have fun and be with family and friends. Neyll says the best thing about Africa is its strong culture that can?t be compared to any other. His role model is his father because he was the person who inspired him and taught him to be a man.

Neyll entered Big Brother because ?I know how to play the game?. He says viewers can expect surprises from him and will get the chance to see the real Neyll. If he wins the big prize, he?ll give some money to charity and help his family.

Beverly ? Nigeria

Beverly ? Nigeria

Beverly is a model from Lagos. She describes herself as ?smart, sexy, humble, loyal and crazy?. One of her favourite qualities is her sense of humour. In other people, she values ?consistency, cleanliness, truth and humility? and dislikes unkept promises, lies and pretence.

Beverley says that viewers can expect ?a total packaged African young diva to command the right qualities and characteristics of a blunt, sexy go-getter?. She doesn?t really have any role models, choosing rather to take unique attributes from different people. Asked who has influenced her life most, Beverley says ?who I want to influence me all depends on the situation at hand?.

Her favourite musicians include John Legend, Kelly Rowland, Phenom and Rihanna.

Sulu ? Zambia

Sulu - Gambia

Sulu ? Zambia

Businessman Sulu is single and comes from Lusaka. He describes himself as ?a guy that loves people? and says his best traits are his character and his enjoyment of the company of others. He values wisdom and intelligence in others, but dislikes negativity, gossip and evil.

He entered Big Brother because ?there is a lot to learn about ourselves? and promises viewers lots of fun and life-changing lessons. If he wins, he?ll help young people realise their potential and invest in real estate. Sulu is humbled about the fact that so many people will be watching him on the show, but says that it?s ?great? at the same time.

He says the best thing about Africa is its potential for development and says his favourite place in Zambia is Livingstone. Outside of his home country, he says America is his favourite place, because it?s ?too much fun?.

Cleo ? Zambia

Cleo - Zambia

Cleo ? Zambia

Cleo is an artist and musician from Lusaka. Single with a daughter, she is currently looking to further her studies. She entered Big Brother because it?s something she?s always seen herself doing. ?I have been trying to enter Big Brother since I was 21,? she says. ?It looks fun, but it?s clear to see that only the strong personalities and characters go far?.

Her proudest achievement is making it into the Big Brother house, because she has always known it would be the biggest step she would make toward reaching her goals and realising her dreams.

Cleo describes herself as ?friendly, loud, caring, blatant and loyal?, citing her favourite qualities as her patience, tact, obedience, domestication, humility and respect. She dislikes backstabbers, liars, immaturity and disrespectfulness and promises viewers ?a lot of realness, a bit of comedy, a lot of singing and rapping, a lot of ME to the fullest?.

O?Neal ? Botswana

O'Neal - Botswana

O?Neal ? Botswana

ONeal is a radio personality and TV host. He describes himself as ?fun, imaginative, entertaining, shocking and unforgettable?. ONeal values consideration in others and thinks his best quality is his imagination. He dislikes dishonesty and declares himself an entertainer at heart.

ONeal says his favourite place in Botswana is his house ? in particular his couch ? and says that the best thing about Africa is its people?s emotional strength. He was inspired to enter Big Brother because of ?the lack of me in that house? and a need to increase his follower base outside his home country. ONeal has a younger brother and says it will be a privilege to have Africa?s eyes on him 24/7, but also acknowledges how tough it will probably be.

If he wins the grand prize, he?ll build his mom her dream house.

Maria- Namibia

Maria - Namibia

Maria ? Namibia

Radio presenter and model Maria is single, has a Public Relations Diploma and is from Ondangwa. She lists spaghetti and chicken wings as her favourite foods and 50 Shades of Grey as her favourite book. Maria entered Big Brother in the hope of getting exposure which will boost her broadcasting career.

She promises viewers ?a lot of blonde moments? and also says she?ll ?be real?. If she wins the grand prize, she?ll buy a new car and pay off her house ? and probably give the rest to charity.

She lists a friend that is currently battling cancer as her role model. The achievements she?s most proud of so far are having her own radio show and being chosen to host the Namibian Music Awards.

Maria says her favourite personal trait is her kind and compassionate heart and she values honesty and respect in others. She hates gossip-mongers and promises viewers: ?I am the real deal?.
Melvin ? Nigeria

Melvin - Nigeria

Melvin ? Nigeria

Melvin is a model and actor from Delta State with a BSc in Chemistry. Melvin enjoys listening to Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross and R Kelly.

His favourite place in Nigeria is Lagos and he says the best things about the continent as a whole are the culture and people. Outside of Nigeria, he enjoys spending time in South Africa and the USA because ?these are places where you can relax and relate to people conveniently?.

His friends and family inspired him to enter Big Brother. He has always been a fan of the show and has previously come out tops in two other reality shows. He is hoping to use all his experience and charm to go all the way on Big Brother. If he wins the grand prize, he?ll invest it, but he?s also hoping to make his country proud and use this experience as a platform to achieve other things in his career.

Natasha ? Malawi

Natasha - Malawi

Natasha ? Malawi

Self-employed mom Natasha hails from Lilongwe. She entered Big Brother because she looks at it as being social, educational, entertaining and a platform for fame.

She describes herself as ?fun, adventurous, flirtatious, crazy and sweet? and says that the qualities she likes most in herself are her patience, calmness, jokes and tolerance. She values patience, tolerance and kindness in others too, but despises control freaks, liars and unfaithfulness.

Her favourite musicians include Mampi, Zahara, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Kenny Rogers and her favourite actors are Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence.
Her favourite part of Malawi is Livingstonia Beach and she believes the best thing about Africa is its unity, peace and friendliness of its cultures.

Biguesas ? Angola

Biguesas - Angola

Biguesas ? Angola

Biguesas from Luanda is single and doesn?t have any children. He describes himself as ?handsome, intelligent, extroverted, playful and talkative?. He values sincerity in others and says if he wins the grand prize, he?ll share some of the money with his family, donate some, pay for university and buy a house. He?s also excited by the prospect of fame, as he?s always wanted to be a TV presenter.

His favourite foods are ?pap?, hamburgers and fries. Biguesas says the best thing about Africa is the fauna & flora and his favourite place outside of Angola is Pretoria in South Africa. Biguesas says he is proud to be finishing University soon, a first for his family of 9 siblings.

Feza ? Tanzania

Feza - Tanzania

Feza ? Tanzania

Recording artist Feza is from Arusha and has a certificate in IT. A fan of French fries and Ugali na Maziwa. She loves Big Brother and says that people always do well after appearing on the show, something she feels is vital for her career. She says that if she wins the grand prize, she?ll invest some, take her son to Disneyland and possibly buy a house.

Feza describes herself as ?fun, bubbly, loyal, kind and strong? and thinks her best trait is her humility. She enjoys people who are honest, caring and fun, but dislikes those who are liars. She promises viewers ?a lot of dance, a bit of noise and lots of laughs too?. She?s hoping to get exposure and growth from her time in the house.

Her mom is her role model, whom she cites as ?the strongest, most beautiful and humble person I know. She has an older brother and sister, and one younger brother.

Elikem ? Ghana

Elikem - Ghana

Elikem ? Ghana

Betty ? Ethiopia

Betty - Ethiopia

Betty ? Ethiopia

Tailor and actor Elikem is single and hails from Accra. Denzel Washington and Samuel L Jackson are his favourite actors ? the former because he?s bold, confident and a natural and the latter because ?he has made the black man proud?.

Elikem entered Big Brother for three things: the money, the exposure and the game play. He says it?s great that Africa will be watching him 24/7 because he?ll get a chance to show the continent who he is and what he can do and promote himself as a tailor and actor.

He has grand plans for the big prize. He says he?ll host a fashion fundraiser, open 3 retail stores in Accra ? and 3 more abroad ? as well as shoot a star studded movie before putting what?s left into investments and bonds.

Bolt ? Sierra Leone

Bolt - Sierra Leone

Bolt ? Sierra Leone=

Freetown-born Bolt is a businessman with a Diploma in Computer Science. He loves Africa because it?s natural, and says his favourite place outside of Sierra Leone is the USA, because ?it is a land full of opportunities? and he has family there.

Bolt will enjoy having the continent?s eyes on him, saying that it will make him feel like he?s ruling the world. If he wins, he?ll invest the money, start a music label, and give his daughter a quality education. His role model is R Kelly, because ?he is a genius in music and is best at whatever he does?. With 4 brothers ? one older and three younger ? he says his mom has played a massive role in his life.

Bolt sees himself as a leader and says he is also frank, transparent and a supporter. He enjoys people who are open-minded, friendly and spontaneous and dislikes pretence, being ignored, people who are full of fear, and taking advantage of people?s weakness to destroy them.

Annabel ? Kenya

Annabel - Kenya

Annabel ? Kenya

Student and fashion designer Annabel says she doesn?t have any children ? but considers her pets to be her babies. She enjoys reading philosophical literature. Her favourite foods include Ethiopian, Nigerian, Oriental and Italian and she lists her favourite TV show as Big Brother.

Annabel?s favourite place in Kenya is Mombasa, because she loves the water and says it?s the only place she finds peace and tranquillity. Outside of Kenya, she loves Greece or Rome because of the way they have preserved the artefacts and culture through the generations. ?I love art and I?d kill to live there!? she says.

Annabel says she loves attention and is looking forward to having Africa?s eyes on her 24/7. ?It makes me feel like the princess I?ve always been,? she says. Her family is happy she?s going to be on the show and she says they can?t wait to tell everyone they?re related to her.

Denzel ? Uganda

Denzel - Uganda

Denzel ? Uganda

Denzel is a radio and TV show host from Kampala. Asked to describe himself in 5 words, he says ?I am very eccentric?. He says his best quality is his optimism and he likes a great sense of style and humour and open-mindedness in others. He dislikes negative people and smelly feet.

He entered Big Brother for the money, fame and adventure and ?could care less? that Africa will be watching him so closely. ?People are always watching me, by virtue of my job,? he says. ?In entertainment, you forfeit your right to privacy?. If he wins, he?ll ?party?.

He lists himself as his own role model, because of what he has achieved despite what he has gone through. He is the youngest of 4 children and says his proudest achievement is that he makes the world?s best-tasting noodles.

Koketso ? South Africa

Koketso - South Africa

Koketso ? South Africa

Johannesburg-born Koketso is an entrepreneur, currently studying towards a Law degree. She enjoys eating ?most African dishes, but to watch my weight I eat Thai for indulgence.

Koketso says the best thing about Africa is its potential ? ?It?s like a young bright kid with endless possibilities?. Her favourite place in South Africa is Coffee Bay and away from home, Dakar, citing it as the only place outside of South Africa she has felt at home.

Koketso entered Big Brother because of her ?new-found fearlessness?. ?I am now not afraid to take risks and live my life for me,? she says. ?I wanted to see how far I can take this. I needed a new challenge and I wanted something to help me build a brand I can capitalise on?.

She says she?s nervous to have the continent?s eyes on her. If she wins the USD 300 000, she?ll start her foundation for young girls in her township and explore investment opportunities in other African countries.
Hakeem ? Zimbabwe

Hakeem - Zimbabwe

Hakeem ? Zimbabwe

Hakeem is a model from Harare. He entered Big Brother because he is a huge fan of the show and passionate about the experience. ?I like the idea of taking simple and exceptionally talented people like me and thrusting them into stardom,? he says. ?Also, I?m a model and aspiring actor seeking bigger opportunities?.

He says the best thing about Africa is the people, the culture, resources and history, which is ?so rich, authentic and intriguing?. His favourite place in the world outside of his home country is Jamaica, because of the food, drink and climate ? ?and the parties are out of this world?.

Hakeem?s role model is Tyson Beckford because he was the first black male model to become a supermodel. ?He was picked from the streets, yet so humble, ambitious and composed,? says Hakeem. If Hakeem wins Big Brother, he?ll invest in property, pay tithes, go to college, take care of his son and own the biggest model agency in Africa to help open doors for others.

Photo Credit & Bio of housemates:

Tags: Big Brother, big brother africa, Big Brother Africa 2013, churchill, Khona, Mafikizolo, The Chase, Tumie Morake


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