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RICHMOND, Va. (AP) ? A Food and Drug Administration review concludes that menthol cigarettes likely pose a greater public health risk than regular cigarettes but does not make a recommendation on whether to limit or ban the minty smokes ? one of the few growth sectors of the shrinking cigarette business.
The federal agency released the independent review on Tuesday and is seeking input from the health community, the tobacco industry and others on possible restrictions on the mint-flavored cigarettes.
The FDA evaluation concluded that there is little evidence to suggest that menthol cigarettes are more or less toxic or contribute to more disease risk to smokers than regular cigarettes. However, there is adequate data to suggest that menthol use is likely associated with increased smoking initiation by younger people and that menthol smokers have a harder time quitting, the review said.
There's also evidence indicating that menthol's cooling properties can reduce the harshness of cigarette smoke and that menthol cigarettes are marketed as a smoother alternative, the review said.
"Menthol cigarettes raise critical public health questions," Mitch Zeller, director of the Center for Tobacco Products, said in a conference call with reporters.
Zeller said there's "no holdup" on the FDA proposing restrictions on menthol but that there are still "some important questions" that need to be answered. The agency is commissioning further research.
A 2011 FDA advisory panel report, which was mandated under the 2009 law giving the agency the authority to regulate tobacco, made many of the same findings, and said that removing menthol cigarettes from the market would benefit public health and highlighted greater use among minorities, teenagers and low-income people. Panels like the tobacco committee advise the FDA on scientific issues. The agency doesn't have to follow its recommendations, but often does.
Meanwhile, a tobacco industry report to the FDA acknowledged that all cigarettes are hazardous but said there's no scientific basis for regulating menthols differently. The industry also has raised concerns that restrictions on menthol would lead to a black market for the cigarettes.
Menthol cigarettes are one of the few growth areas in a shrinking cigarette market. The percentage of U.S. cigarette smokers using menthol brands grew from 33.9 percent in 2008 to 37.5 percent in 2011, according to a study by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with more significant growth among younger smokers.
A menthol ban or other restriction on the flavored cigarettes would fall heavily on Lorillard Inc., whose Newport brand is the top-selling menthol cigarette in the U.S., with nearly 38 percent of the market. Lorillard, based in Greensboro, N.C., is the country's third-largest tobacco company.
CEO Murray Kessler said in a statement Lorillard looks forward to participating in the regulatory process and reiterated its long-held belief that menthol cigarettes shouldn't be treated differently.
The move comes ahead of a Wednesday deadline for the U.S. to respond to the World Trade Organization's findings last year that the FDA's ban on manufacturing, importing, marketing and distributing candy-, fruit- and clove-flavored tobacco breaks trade rules because it exempts menthol cigarettes, most of which are made in the U.S.. The investigation was launched following a request from Indonesia, which claims more than 6 million of its people depend on the production of clove cigarettes ? a staple of the country's smoking culture.
Michael Felberbaum can be reached at
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Warner Bros.
It's DC vs. Marvel at the movies.As Warner Bros. prepares to go to battle with Disney at theaters in 2015 with the newly announced Batman/Superman movie, The Hollywood Reporter says WB?is also planning a "Flash" film and "Justice League" movie.
THR reports sources revealed plans for a?"Flash" adaptation set for 2016 and a "Justice League" film for 2017.
Throughout DC history, there have been a few different members of the Justice League at any given time.?
The original members include?Superman, Batman,?the Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Flash.
Other versions have included Hawkgirl/man, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Atom, and Zatanna.
The popular WB animated series included seven members with Flash and Wonder Woman.
At Comic-Con CW "Arrow" actor?Stephen Arnell has said he'd love to be in a "Justice League" adaptation.
"I think that Green Arrow has an opportunity to mature in much the same way Iron Man did in the Marvel universe," Arnell told SciFiNow.
"It's always up to what's popular at the moment," he added. "Right now archery seems to be having a mini renaissance, so hopefully he can settle into a firm rotating member of the DC?Justice League of America."
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by KGW reporter Wayne Havrelly
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Posted on July 20, 2013 at 4:11 PM
Updated today at 5:13 PM
PORTLAND -- The eviction notices went up late Friday night telling camping protesters they must leave the sidewalks around City Hall, but the notices were ripped down by protesters faster than they went up.?
"If they raid us, we will raid them because there are a lot more kids that are crazier than cops think," said a young homeless protester who goes by Angel.?
"I decided to handcuff myself to this tree due to the fact that I believe in my First Amendment rights to protest," said Trevor Matney who has lived in front of City Hall for six months now.
Alvin Ronald Taylor is a pastor at the Union Gospel Mission.? He's concerned about the city's new plan to evict the homeless from City Hall.?
"It creates a domino effect and what happens is when people have no where to go, they're out on the street and the next step is crime," he said.
Dana Haynes with the Mayor's office said crime is what's behind the Mayor's move to evict.
"When police showed Mayor Hales there had been 113 calls to the block around City Hall over the past 180 days, Mayor Hales said enough is enough," said Haynes.?
He said the city changed the zoning around City Hall to a high-use pedestrian zone which they said makes it illegal to camp.
"Portland is in a dilemma," said homeless veteran Dwayne Owen, who first learned about Portland after his wife died of a stroke in Indiana and his alcohol abuse sent him to a homeless shelter in Indiana.? "I was told if you're going to be homeless then Portland, Oregon is the best place in the U.S. to be homeless."
Portland's reputation as a caring place could be seen at an annual downtown compassion event at the Veteran's Memorial Coliseum Saturday.? More than 400 volunteers provided food, health care, dental care, even haircuts to those in need.? More than 1,000 people were served in just a few hours.
Portland is performing a tough juggling act: In the air, compassion, the right to protest and public safety.? Which ball will fall first?
"None of us are leaving this sidewalk outside City Hall," said a young homeless protester.
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The Sony Xperia Z Ultra was announced last month as the company?s first foray into the realm of phablets with its robust 6.5-inch screen.
Besides the new Triluminous display engine, the Z Ultra features Sony?s handwriting recognition technology, which lets you write on the display using nearly anything with tip less than 1mm in diameter. This latest video takes a closer look at exactly what does and doesn?t work as a writing device ? from a set of keys to Stanley knives.
Most things worked fairly well, and it?s good to see that the key worked very well, especially since it?s one thing you?ll most likely have on hand in a pinch. Oddly enough, the mechanical pencil didn?t register at all, neither did the plastic ruler, and that goes without saying for the Stanley knife ? although we recommend you don?t use the latter even if it did work. Good news is, even if many of these didn?t make for great stylus alternatives, they didn?t damage the display either, which means the Xperia Z Ultra certainly won?t be an easy to scratch device.
Either way, you?ll be able to try all of these and more soon enough, as the Xperia Z Ultra is set to hit Europe in September and Asia this month.
Thanks, gmfady, for the tip!
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The world is being asked to look up on Friday and smile in the direction of the ringed planet, Saturn.
The Cassini probe, in orbit around the gas giant, is going to take a picture of Earth, and the imaging team wants everyone to wave and smile.
Because of the great distance to Saturn, our home will appear as a mere pixel in the final photo.
But Cassini scientist Carolyn Porco says it is a moment to "celebrate life on the Pale Blue Dot".
"Waving time" - the period when the spacecraft's cameras will be operating - starts at 21:27 GMT and ends at 21:42 GMT (22:27-22:42 BST).
These timings include the 80 minutes it will take reflected light from the surface of the Earth to travel the nearly 1.5 billion km (900 million miles) to reach the outer Solar System.
Dr Porco's Ciclops imaging team will be producing a large mosaic of Saturn and its ring system on Friday.
Earth will appear as small speck in the lower-right of the final picture.
It is likely to be several days before the first images are processed and released.
The probe snapped a similar mosaic in 2006. On that occasion, Earth was positioned in the upper-left of the frame.
But Dr Porco says the set-up six years ago was not ideal. For the re-shoot, she plans to use Cassini's highest resolution camera, and the most appropriate filters to capture Earth in natural colour.
More than that, however, she says, people on Earth will know this time they are on camera, and that offers everyone the opportunity to participate.
Dr Porco hopes the picture will be reminiscent of the famous "Pale Blue Dot" image captured by the Voyager-1 probe in 1990.
That was a picture she helped organise with the astronomer and popular science writer Carl Sagan.
He memorably described the Earth as looking like a "mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam", such was its apparent insignificance in the vastness of space.
Inspired in part by the Cassini team's plans, scientists working on the Messenger probe at Mercury will also be picturing Earth on Friday and Saturday.
Messenger will see Earth as it scans the skies for any previously unrecognised objects that might be circling the innermost world.
Timings for these pictures are 11:49, 12:38, and 13:41 (all GMT) on both Friday and Saturday.
Parts of the Earth not illuminated in the Cassini images, including all of Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, will appear illuminated in the Messenger pictures.
More details on the Saturn project can be found at The Day The Earth Smiled website.
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by Karli Boozer, Sports Contributor Rn T.Com
The 8-and-under Rome Red Sox are hoping to bring home a title at the Dizzy Dean World Series.
The team opened play Wednesday night in Douglasville with a 13-1 win over Sandy Springs. The Red Sox, the tourney?s No. 3 seed, will face Eastside tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Head coach Kelly Fountain said he was ?very proud? of his team, and said their journey so far has been extraordinary.
And now, he said, the Red Sox are ready to seize it all and bring home a championship.
?The kids are absolutely excited about playing in the World Series,? said Fountain. ?These boys are a great group of kids and are very special to me,? he added.
The team is geared up for what they hope will be a deep run.
?We should have been called the Crimson Tide because we are going to win it all ? just like Alabama,? said Fountain.
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Heathrow Airport has unveiled three options for a new runway, saying each one would be "quicker and cheaper" than plans for a rival hub airport.
The airport's submission to the Davies Commission, which is looking at raising airport capacity, outlined a runway to the north, north-west or south-west of the existing airport.
It said a new runway could be in place by 2029, allowing 260,000 more flights.
London Mayor Boris Johnson said such an expansion would be "disastrous".
'Global hub status'According to Heathrow's submission, building a new runway would deliver extra capacity at the airport by 2025-29 and would allow it to operate 740,000 flights a year - up from the current limit of 480,000.
Continue reading the main storyI've just been looking back through my notes from last year, when I talked to government officials about the prospect of building a third runway at Heathrow.
They told me it was "dead and buried" and said they'd look at "all ideas bar a third runway". Back then we also had a Transport Secretary, Justine Greening, who lived under the flight path and had campaigned against the plan.
What a difference to today, when a third runway at the UK's biggest and busiest airport is very much back on the table.
This is a big week for airports. By Friday, we'll know all the different suggestions on how they could expand.
But don't let all this apparent momentum fool you. This is one of the thorniest issues in politics, and there are plenty in the industry who think that 20 years from now, nothing will have actually been done.
The plans would "maintain the UK's global hub status for the foreseeable future" and "protect the thriving businesses and plentiful jobs that surround Heathrow", it said.
Heathrow's preferred option would be to place a new runway to the north-west or the south-west of the airport.
This would "deliver a full-length third runway while minimising the impact on the local community".
The submission also detailed how a new westerly runway would help reduce noise pollution because planes would not have to fly so low over London.
It predicted that, even with a third runway, there would be 10-20% fewer people affected by noise under its new plans.
The option of building north of the airport would be the quickest and cheapest, the airport acknowledged - but it would also be the noisiest and have the biggest impact on residential property.
Each of the options would mean the compulsory purchase of some properties and some property demolitions, as well as potentially major work on the M25.
The submission also outlined the need for a sixth terminal at Heathrow as part of the plans - which would enable the airport to handle 130m passengers a year, rather than the current figure of 70m.
'Flying pigs'Heathrow chief executive Colin Matthews said: "After half a century of vigorous debate but little action, it is clear the UK desperately needs a single hub airport with the capacity to provide the links to emerging economies which can boost UK jobs, GDP and trade.
Heathrow Chief Executive Colin Matthews: "Uncertainty, that's the message I hear from people, they want to know"
"It is clear that the best solution for taxpayers, passengers and business is to build on the strength we already have at Heathrow."
He continued: "Today we are showing how that vision can be achieved while keeping the impact on local residents to an absolute minimum."
Mr Matthews said he had not ruled out a fourth runway at Heathrow, but said this would not be needed until at least 2040.
However, Mr Johnson said the proposals for a new runway at Heathrow "were politically, environmentally and socially unacceptable".
"There will be more pigs flying than aircraft if we are to believe the claim that three runways at Heathrow will make less noise than two," he said.
Mr Johnson added the move "would be a disastrous outcome for Londoners, nor would it solve our aviation capacity crisis as a fourth runway would need to be in the planning process before a third was even open".
On Monday, the mayor published proposals for three possible replacement hubs - an artificial island in the Thames Estuary dubbed "Boris Island", a major expansion at Stansted, or an airport at the Isle of Grain in north Kent.
'Reheated and rehashed'All airports must submit their plans to the commission by 19 July.
Heathrow residents' group Hacan said they would fight any proposal for a new runway "tooth and nail" and Greenpeace accused the airport of presenting a "reheated and rehashed" plan with the same "flawed arguments that failed so categorically last time around".
But business groups backed the plans, including the trade body which represents Britain's airlines.
The Board of Airline Representatives said no other proposal so far on airport capacity could "deliver the UK's hub airport capacity quicker, at the right cost, or in the right place for airlines and their passengers".
The Institute of Directors said expanding Heathrow was "the best way to solve Britain's airport capacity conundrum".
The Davies Commission, chaired by Sir Howard Davies, was set up last year to examine "the need for additional UK airport capacity and recommend to government how this can be met in the short, medium and long term".
It is expected to recommend options by the end of this year, but will not submit its final report until summer 2015 - after the next general election.
Comparison of Heathrow options |
Heathrow today | North | North west | South west | |
Passenger capacity |
80m |
123m |
130m |
130m |
Max flights |
480,000 |
702,000 |
740,000 |
740,000 |
Cost |
?14bn |
?17bn |
?18bn |
Length of new runway |
2,800m |
3,500m |
3,500m |
People affected by noise |
243,000 |
-10% |
-15% |
-20% |
Housing lost |
2,700 |
950 |
850 |
Opening date |
2025 |
2026 |
2029 |
Construction complexity |
Low |
Medium |
High |
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They had landed in the morning and had officially arrived with a 5-1 opening night win over the California A's.
Now, Team Canada is set to push for gold at the Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship ? a medal that has alluded them in previous years.
The Canadian women are coming off a won over Japan in last week's World Cup of Softball, an accomplishment that has them elevated for this week but also realistic about the long game ? Japan did end up winning the World Cup, with a 7-4 victory of Team USA in the final.
"I think we'll fare pretty well, we've been playing well over the past week," said utility player Joey Lye, from Scarborough, Ont. "We have a lot of new players on the squad this year and it's been awesome.
"We've been going through all the details and really meshing as a team... doing lots of reps of team play in the field, just to make sure that we're all on the same page and it's been really good for us.
"I expected for us to ?push to be in that championship game this week."
This year's Canadian team features a host of local girls ? including White Rock Renegades stalwarts like Sara Groenewegen and Sara Hopwood, both of whom are in their first year with Team Canada ? and a sprinkling of vets like Ontario's Lye and Megan Timph.
"Putting on the jersey, obviously, is a big honour," said Groenewegen, who also made her national debut with the Junior team this year. "In front of my home crowd, it's a pretty special feeling obviously ? get some friends and family out to watch me play."
"It's definitely surreal," said Hopwood. "I wasn't sure if I was ever going to put the uniform on. For me to do it this year... it's what I wanted my whole life playing softball."
Canada plays Team Australia tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. on Softball City's Diamond 1. The Canucks lost to the Aussies in the bronze medal game at last year's Canadian Open, and they come in one spot behind them in the ISF world rankings, too.
For those seeking the border battle, Canada plays Team USA on Friday, at 6:30 p.m.
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GULLANE, Scotland (AP) ? Part defiant and part pragmatist, the head of the Royal & Ancient conceded Wednesday that all-male clubs are a bedeviling issue but insisted the British Open venues won't be pressured into opening their doors to women.
At his customary news conference on the eve of the British Open, R&A chief executive Peter Dawson faced a barrage of questions about the no-women-allowed membership at Muirfield and two other clubs in the nine-club tournament rotation, Troon and Royal St. George's.
He was prepared for the issue, reading from notes that made it clear he believes the issue does little harm to the game and has largely been contrived by the media, politicians and interest groups.
"Obviously the whole issue of gender and single-sex clubs has been pretty much beaten to death recently," Dawson said. "And we do, I assure you, understand that this is divisive. It's a subject that we're finding increasingly difficult, to be honest."
One reporter, touching on the racial discrimination that once pervaded the game, asked Dawson what was the difference between a male-only club and one that allowed only whites to join.
"Oh, goodness me, I think that's a ridiculous question, if I may say so," he replied. "There's a massive difference between racial discrimination, anti-Semitism, where sectors of society are downtrodden and treated very, very badly indeed. And to compare that with a men's golf club, I think, is frankly absurd. There's no comparison whatsoever."
He later added: "It's just kind of, for some people, a way of life that they rather like. I don't think in doing that they're intending to (bring) others down or intending to do others any harm."
Dawson emphasized that he doesn't believe gender-specific clubs stifle the growth of the sport. Still, he knows it's an issue that won't go away ? especially since Augusta National admitted its first female members ? so the organization that oversees golf outside the U.S. plans to address concerns once the Open is completed.
He wouldn't say what steps might be taken.
"Our natural reaction is to resist these pressures, because we actually don't think they have very much substance," Dawson said. "But I'd like to stress we're not so insular as to fail to recognize the potential damage that campaigns like this can do to the Open championship. And it is our championship committee's responsibility to do what is best for the Open, and to maximize the benefits which the Open brings, not just to golf, but also to the local area.
"When things are a bit quieter, after the championship," he went on, "I'm quite sure we'll be taking a look at everything to see what kind of sense we can make of it for the future. But I think right now our concentration has to be on this wonderful event and making it a success."
Eleven of the 24 questions to Dawson during the half-hour news conference revolved around the topic of male-only clubs. The issue of gender equity is squarely directed on golf's oldest major since Augusta National, home of the Masters, invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore to become members last summer. Tiger Woods called it "important to golf."
Most golfers have shied away from the issue leading up to the Open, including the top-ranked Woods. When Rory McIlroy, the world's No. 2 player, was first asked about it Wednesday, there was a long pause and a forced smile before he said, "Muirfield is a great golf course."
Later, when someone asked McIlroy if the players had been advised not comment on the issue, he was more forthcoming.
"I just think it's something that a lot of guys don't want to get themselves into because it's quite a controversial issue," he said. "It's something that shouldn't happen these days. It's something that we shouldn't even be talking about."
Ernie Els said it's "weird" that some clubs won't admit both sexes, while Luke Donald said "we'd love to see these policies be a bit more inclusive."
"Wherever the governing bodies decide to play a tournament, it's my job to turn up and be ready and play, and that's what I am going to," Donald said. "I think the R&A is certainly trending in the right direction."
But some prominent Scottish politicians won't be attending this year's event in protest.
"I just think it's indefensible in the 21st century not to have a golf club that's open to all," said Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, a huge golf fan who played a round with Phil Mickelson in the pro-am before the Scottish Open last week.
Two British government members ? Maria Miller, the secretary of culture, media and sport, and sports minister Hugh Robertson ? have also turned down invitations to attend.
Dawson said the R&A would not give in to political pressure.
"We've been through over 250 years of existence without getting into political comment, and I don't really intend to break that rule here," he said. "We've got politicians posturing; we've got interest groups attacking the R&A, attacking the Open, and attacking Muirfield."
While conceding that some changes are likely, Dawson made clear he believes the issue has largely been manufactured by those who don't necessarily have the best interests of the game at heart. He claimed there are very few gender-exclusive clubs in Britain, and that half of those are female-only.
"You can dress it up to be a lot more, if you want," Dawson said. "But on the Saturday morning when the guy gets up or the lady gets up and out of the marital bed, if you like, and goes off and plays golf with his chums and comes back in the afternoon, that's not on any kind of par with racial discrimination or anti-Semitism or any of these things.
"It's just what people kind of do."
Follow Paul Newberry on Twitter at
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Source: --- Monday, July 15, 2013
THE GOLAN HEIGHTS The abandoned Circassian village of Zureiman provides a vantage point across the fortified Israeli border into Syria. Regime forces hold an area from the crossing at Quneitra to Ruheineh. Elements of the rebel Free Syrian Army are attacking from both north and south, attempting to close the corridor. A slow artillery duel — thud, thud — proceeds in the near distance. Farther south in Syria, global jihadist groups predominate. Read full article >> ? ? ? ? ...
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St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman (Pioneer Press file photo: John Doman)
The Highland District Council is poised to get a 12 percent raise of sorts. The Frogtown Neighborhood Association would take a 23 percent funding cut. And the Ramsey Hill Association, like five other block clubs, would lose city backing entirely.
In St. Paul, the 17 neighborhood-based district councils that perform community outreach on quality-of-life issues such as crime, traffic, playgrounds, bars and restaurants would experience sizable changes under a new funding strategy being proposed by the mayor's office.
The adjusted approach, based in large part on population figures from the 2010 Census and revised poverty rates, would alter how $1.2 million in St. Paul citizen participation dollars and crime prevention grants are distributed.
The result would immediately boost funding next year to district councils in the Payne-Phalen and Highland Park neighborhoods, among others, while gradually slashing $18,000 from the coffers of the Frogtown Neighborhood Association over the course of three years. That's nearly a fourth of the association's budget.
Either way, that doesn't sit right with residents worried about the neighborhood's many vacant and foreclosed houses, the needs of new immigrants such as Frogtown's sizable Southeast Asian community, and concerns related to construction of the new light rail line.
"It seems to me the question is not only one of population, but of need," said Frogtown resident Tony Schmitz. "Obviously, neighborhoods full of attorneys, architects, city planners and doctors are going to have more built-in resources for dealing with issues than poorer neighborhoods where people in those professions aren't necessarily available as volunteers.
"Allocating money purely by population seems logical until you stop to think about it for a minute," Schmitz said. "Then the premise falls apart."
The Summit-University and North End-South Como councils, also situated in City Council Ward 1, would see their annual allotments from the city decline, though not as drastically. City funding makes up the lion's share of each district council's budget, though the 17 councils also have become adept at applying for outside grants to fund special projects.
Likely as a result of the recession and the foreclosure crisis, Ward 1 lost more than 3,700 residents between the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Censuses, prompting the city's charter commission two years ago to redraw the ward boundaries. The city's population as a whole stayed relatively flat at 285,068 overall.
In addition, the city's six neighborhood block clubs would lose city funding entirely under the mayor's proposal. The block clubs would be invited instead to apply for competitive grants from a new $100,000 citywide Innovation Fund, details of which still are being crafted. District councils would also be able to compete for that money.
Districts poised to benefit from the changes say they're serving growing populations with diverse needs. The city's largest district, Payne-Phalen, has a population of 30,700 residents, or about twice as many as Frogtown, according to the 2010 census. Under the revised formula, the district council would receive $109,906 from the city instead of its current allotment of $101,504.
Members of the Payne-Phalen council say the funding increase will help with outreach to the growing numbers of non-English speakers in the community and other neighborhood activities in a low-income area that could really use a boost.
St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman joined members of his administration in informing the district councils of the proposed funding changes last week. A final decision over whether to adopt the new approach would sit with the St. Paul City Council.
Nancy Homans, the mayor's senior policy director, said the district councils receive two general forms of city funding, and the funding formulas behind them haven't been adjusted in years. Under a strategy adopted in 2004, citizen partnership grants are weighted toward population but also take into account poverty rates, job numbers and the number of English-language learners in a community.
"The 2010 census came out and everyone's numbers changed," Homans said. "Districts 7 and 8 (Frogtown and Summit-University) lost population. Their percentage of the city's poor population went down. So their numbers, in terms of what they would get from the formula, went down a little bit."
Last year, to the chagrin of some district councils that would have gained money from the updated census figures, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman decided not to apply the 2010 census numbers immediately. The goal was "to give us time to look at it and see if there was a different formula that should be applied," Homans said.
Homans tried adding housing vacancy rates and other numbers into the formulas, but the results didn't change much. "I met with the district councils, and nobody had a real appetite to come up with an entirely new formula, particularly since any formula based on population was going to come up with a similar outcome," she said.
Through a secondary process, the councils split $300,000 in crime prevention money each year, with stable allotments that have not changed in size in well over a decade, Homans said. At the high end, Frogtown and Union Park each receive $30,000 annually for crime prevention. The West Seventh district receives $4,000.
Homans has recommended combining the crime prevention money with the citizen outreach money and distributing both pots of funds under the same formula, which is heavily weighted by population size. "The district councils themselves are frustrated with doing two different contracts -- one for citizen participation and one for crime prevention -- seeing as the activities are so similar," Homans said.
As a result of the changes, the Frogtown Neighborhood Association's total city funding would drop 23 percent from $80,386 to $61,735. Homans said that the three district councils experiencing funding cuts would be impacted gradually over the course of three years instead of all at once. Frogtown's funding would be cut by $6,000 per year.
"What happened to (Frogtown) is in part a change in their population," Homans said. "But a big part of what they would be facing is that they got so much crime prevention money in the past."
Caty Royce, executive director of the Frogtown Neighborhood Association, said the cuts "would mean less support and less opportunity for the residents of Frogtown, a neighborhood that deserves and needs it more than many others. ... That population-based formula is not taking into account what created those vacancies," Royce said.
Under the new formula, the Highland District Council, which covers a relatively affluent area with a population of 24,078 residents, would receive $74,188 from the city, instead of $65,030, largely because of population increase.
Frederick Melo can be reached at 651-228-2172. Follow him at
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The NFL star tweeted to his more than 334,000 follwers, "Zimmerman doesn't last a year til the hood catches up to him." The tweet has since been deleted.
In a series of follow up tweets, the Giant said that his angry tweet was "my initial interpretation of the reaction I was reading on twitter.I immediately realized my tweet was a mistake and I apologize."
Cruz was not the only football player to spark protest with a tweet about the Zimmerman trial verdict. Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White was also barraged after this tweet: "All them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid"
Rather than deleting the tweet after a round of protests from the twittersphere, White defended his words in another tweet an hour later: "It's crazy how people on twitter want me to get in trouble for a tweet that they are retweeting because they want something to happen thanks"
This morning, though, White tweeted an apology: "I understand my tweet last nite was extreme. I never meant for the people to do that. I was shocked and upset about the verdict. I am sorry."
Twitter saw a flood of passionate comments about the verdict. In the minutes following the announcement, tweets about the case shot to more than 47,800 TPM (tweets per minute) according to the ABC News Social Desk.
The total number of tweets about the verdict -- more than 4.5 million -- has surpassed the number of tweets about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December 2012.
Most faded quickly into the ether, while others, like those from Cruz and White, sparked a bit of controversy for the players; protests like these:
??? Wow I hope Victor Cruz and Roddy White get fined for their comments. Disgusting that celebrities would say such terrible things.
??? -- J.K. Stewart (@NDAlum32) July 14, 2013
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Republicans and Democrats in Washington don?t agree on much, but they do seem to agree on this: America?s immigration policy should prioritize the admission of ?skilled? immigrants.
This column is about why they are wrong.
First, a bit on the consensus. President Obama embraced it over the weekend in his weekly address. ?Immigration reform would make it easier for highly-skilled immigrants and those who study at our colleges and universities to start businesses and create jobs right here in America,? the president said. He warned that if Congress does not act, ?We won?t benefit from highly-skilled immigrants starting businesses and creating jobs here.?
The Democrat-controlled Senate embraced this theory in its immigration bill, which set up a system of what the legislation calls ?merit-based points,? under which a doctoral degree is worth 15 points, a master?s degree ten points, and a bachelor?s degree is worth five points. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives earlier this month moved through the Judiciary Committee something called the SKILLS Visa Act, which describes itself as a bill ?to enhance American competitiveness through the encouragement of high-skilled immigration.?
The editor of the Weekly Standard, William Kristol, and the editor of National Review, Rich Lowry, summed it up the other day when they wrote, ?Everyone professes to agree that our system should be tilted toward high-skilled immigration.? Even lobbyists for special interests have seized on the theme: one news article quoted an official of the National Ski Areas Association arguing that bilingual and multilingual ski instructors deserve preferred immigration treatment because they are ?skilled and certified,? unlike, say, ?strawberry pickers.?
This dichotomy between highly skilled and unskilled immigrants, however, is a false one.
For one thing, the children of ?unskilled? immigrants often turn out to develop some formidable skills themselves. Mario Rubio came to America at age 6 as an immigrant from Cuba. Like most six year olds, he didn?t have a Ph.D. He eventually worked as a hotel bartender and school crossing guard, and he married another Cuban immigrant who was a hotel housekeeper and Kmart stock clerk. Their American-born son Marco became a lawyer, the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, and the United States senator from Florida.
What?s more, some politician?s definition of ?highly skilled? may not match an employer?s definition. It?s possible that someone with a Ph.D. for research in some obscure field may end up creating less value over time than someone who gets on-the-job training in bartending or housekeeping. Plenty of Americans, after all, who would rather have the services of a star bartender or housekeeper than sit in a class taught by a mediocre sociology Ph.D.
Finally, for some immigrants, the journey from low-skill to high-skill happens within one lifetime. The immigrants in these cases often arrive too young for their skills, or their potential skills, to be evident.
There was Sergei Brin, who arrived in America at age six as a refugee from the Soviet Union. He went on to co-found Google. Abraham Rosenthal came to America from Canada as a boy and became the editor of the New York Times. Max Frankel came to America from Germany at age 10; he, too became the editor of the New York Times. Andras Istvan Grof came to America from Hungary at age 20 and supported himself through City College in New York in part by working as a summer bus-boy at a New Hampshire resort hotel; he went on, as Andrew Grove, to co-found and lead the microchip-maker Intel.
My favorite low-skill immigrant story, however ? at least my favorite one that does not involve my own great-grandparents or grandparents ? is the case of one Israel Isidore Beilin. He was born in what is now Belarus and arrived in America when he was about five years old. No Ph.D., no master?s degree, no bachelor?s degree. Under the proposed ?merit-based points? system for education, he would have been a zero. But with just about nothing by way of formal education, Irving Berlin wrote a series of canonical American songs, including ?Alexander?s Ragtime Band,? ?Blue Skies,? ?Puttin? on the Ritz,? ?White Christmas,? and ?God Bless America.?
Got that? If the ?highly skilled? immigration rules, taken to their logical extension, had been in place, the song wouldn?t have been ?God Bless America,? but ?God Bless Belarus.? Or, given that there wasn?t much to praise about Belarus if one was a poor young Jew, as Beilin/Berlin was, the song probably would never have been written at all, and Beilin/Berlin would have died in a pogrom, the Holocaust, or some Stalin-imposed starvation.
The next time some well-intentioned politician from either party starts palavering about high-skilled immigration, you might ask what plan they have for people who want to come here but who appear to not have many skills. If the politician doesn?t appear to understand, you could break into a rendition of ?God Bless America.?
It ends, ?God bless America, My home sweet home.?
Mr. Stoll is editor of and of
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By Dave Sherwood
BOWDOINHAM, Maine (Reuters) - A Florida motorcyclist known as the "fastest man on two wheels," died Sunday after crashing at just under 300 miles per hour while trying to break his own record for the fastest speed on a conventional motorcycle in a time trial in Limestone, Maine.
Trial officials at The Maine Event, an annual speed trial held by the Loring Timing Association, said emergency responders were already on their way before racer Bill Warner came to a stop, nearly 1,000 feet from where his bike, a modified, turbo-charged Suzuki Hayabusa, crashed suddenly.
Warner was conscious immediately after the crash but died later at the Cary Medical Center in Caribou, Maine, officials said.
The crash happened during the first leg of the timed speed event, which is held along a 2.5 mile asphalt track at the site of the former Loring Air Force Base.
Warner was trying to reach 300 miles per hour in less than a mile but crashed at around the 4,000 foot line, officials said.
Race director Tim Kelly said local authorities were investigating the incident. "Something occurred and he lost control of the vehicle. That's all we know right now," he said.
Kelly said it was the second racing accident in eight events held at the former base, and the first involving a fatality. In a previous event, a female rider had fallen from her bike at 211 mph, but survived with only minor injuries.
Racers wear armored leather racing suits, armored boots and crash helmets during time trials, Kelly said. "Even when accidents do happen, people often walk away from them but unfortunately, that's not what happened this time," he said.
(Editing by Nick Carey)
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